May 16, 2019 - News published by the Miami Herald
News featuring IBI's report, "Maduro's Last Stand".
May 12, 2019 - News published by the Washington Post
A WP video on corruption and violence in Latin America.
April 1, 2019 - Report published by Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at NDU
Este informe destaca la escala de una red criminal que el IBI llama la "Empresa Criminal Conjunta Bolivariana". Destaca las tipologías criminales utilizadas por la red y explora el impacto más amplio de sus acciones. Topics include ALBA, BJCE, criminalized states, and Venezuela.
March 13, 2019 - Report published by Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at NDU
This Strategic Perspective centers on the PRC’s recent successful push into Latin America, and particularly in Central America—historically a primary area of influence for the United States. Topics include Central America, China, Financial Aid, Investment, and Strategic Threats.
February 26, 2019 - Report published by PRISM Journal, Center for Complex Operations, NDU
An assessment of the strategic gains of three critical extra-regional actors in Latin America: China, who focuses on economic partnerships, and Russia and Iran who focus on anti-US projects via Hezbollah-linked networks and state-protected organized crime groups. Topics include BJCE, China, criminalized states, Iran, money laundering, organized crime, and Russia.
January 30, 2019 - Journal Article published by Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at NDU
A Strategic Perspective exploring the critical challenge posed by regional TOC groups in Latin America. Topics include ALBA, Bolivia, criminalized states, FARC, Illegal Gold, money laundering, Nicaragua, Paraguay, and Peru.
January 27, 2019 - Video published by EfectoNaim
Las caravanas de migrantes son financiadas por Venezuela
March 23, 2018 - Report published by Perry Center Occasional Paper, NDU
This study focuses on the MS 13 in Honduras and El Salvador, where it represents an existential threat to the viability of the state. The gang has achieved new levels of power and sophistication via increased revenues from the cocaine supply chain. Topics include drug trafficking, El Salvador, gangs, Honduras, and MS-13.