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Douglas Farah featured on the first OAS Department Against Transnational Organized Crime Webinar (English and Spanish)

May 18, 2020 - Video published by OAS OEA Videos

Douglas Farah discusses the ability of highly adaptable transnational organized criminal organizations to thrive in the chaos produced by the coronavirus pandemic.

Two Gringos With Questions

Douglas Farah on "Two Gringos With Questions" Podcast

April 24, 2020 - Podcast published by Two Gringos with Questions

Douglas Farah discusses his report for the William Perry Center, "Turmoil in the Western Hemisphere," on how the Bolivarian Alliance, led by the Nicolás Maduro regime, used legitimate protests in Chile, Colombia and Ecuador to sow chaos and violence.

Global Americans logo

Turmoil in the Western Hemisphere

April 15, 2020 - Article published by Global Americans

A report on the phenomenon of social protests turning violent that flared across Latin America at the end of 2019 and into 2020, orchestrated by Nicolas Maduro and the BJCE with the intent of toppling the governments of U.S. allies.

Leftist popular leaders from Latin American nations – former Bolivian President Evo Morales (second from left), Cuban President Raul Castro (third from left), former Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez (red beret), and Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega (third from right) – have adopted an anti-imperial and anti-neoliberalism policies designed to increase political, economic, and social instability among opponents in the Western Hemisphere.

Turmoil in the Western Hemisphere: The Role of the Bolivarian Joint Criminal Enterprise in Latin America's Unrest

March 27, 2020 - Report published by William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, NDU

A study of the Maduro regime’s efforts to politically destabilize Latin America after establishing a financial equilibrium through sanctions evasion and criminal activity. Topics include BJCE, Brazil, Chile, Maduro, North Korea, protests, refugees, and Venezuela.

Evo Morales with Vladimir Putin and Nicolas Maduro

Bolivia: Silent Partner in the Bolivarian Joint Criminal Enterprise: Evo Morales, the MAS and Regional Destabilization

September 24, 2019 - Report published by InterAmerican Institute for Democracy

President Evo Morales of Bolivia became one of the most consolidated and powerful leaders in the region through his participation in the Venezuela-led Bolivarian Joint Criminal Enterprise (BCJE). This report focuses on his efforts to obtain a fourth presidential term. Topics include ALBA, BJCE, Bolivia, corruption, and criminalized states.

Blind justice statue

The End of the CICIG Era: Outcomes, Challenges and Lessons Learned

August 1, 2019 - Report published by IBI Consultants

Analysis of the International Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala (CICIG)’s long-term impact addressing impunity and strengthening public trust in government structures. Topics include CICIG, corruption, courts, Guatemala, judicial systems, police, and public trust.

IBI Consultants logo

Maduro's Last Stand: Venezuela's Survival Through the Bolivarian Joint Criminal Enterprise

May 23, 2019 - Report published by Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at NDU

This report highlights the scale of a criminal network that IBI calls the "Bolivarian Joint Criminal Enterprise" (BJCE). It highlights some of the criminal typologies used by the network and explores the wider impact of its actions. Topics include ALBA, BJCE, criminalized states, and Venezuela.

Douglas Farah presenting at a CICS Americas public discussion

Launch of "Maduro's Last Stand"

May 23, 2019 - Video published by Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS)

A public discussion in which Douglas Farah presents a report that details the breadth of the global money laundering empire of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela and his Bolivarian allies.

Blood From Stones by Douglas Farah book cover
Merchant of Death by Douglas Farah and Stephan Braun book cover
Un Virus Entre Sombras” (A Virus in the Shadows) by Pablo Zeballos book cover