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Adapting U.S. Counternarcotics Efforts in Colombia

September 12, 2017 - Testimony before the U.S. Senate

Testimony before the Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control, discussing the ongoing peace process between the Colombian government and FARC, and its impact on transnational organized crime and regional security threats. Topics include ALBA, BJCE, Colombia, criminalized states, drug trafficking, FARC, money laundering, and Venezuela.

President Santos signs the peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC.

Kingpins and Corruption: Targeting Transnational Organized Crime in the Americas

June 27, 2017 - Report published by American Enterprise Institute (AIE)

IBI contributed multiple chapters to this report produced by AEI Working Group on Transnational Organized Crime in the Americas, which traces the rise of transnational criminal organizations in the Americas and their role in a wide variety of security threats. Topics include ALBA, BJCE, Colombia, criminalized states, drug trafficking, El Salvador, FARC, Guatemala, Hezbollah, Honduras, illicit finance, Mexico, money laundering, transnational organized crime, and Venezuela.

Dési Bouterse, Surinamese military officer, politician, convicted murderer and drug trafficker who served as President of Suriname

Suriname: The New Paradigm of the Criminalized State

March 15, 2017 - Report published by Center for a Secure Free Society Global Dispatch

This report examines how the government of Desi Bouterse in Surinace became a vertically integrated criminal structure, serving as a safe-space for TOC and embedding criminals in state organs. It also looks at the Bouterse government’s involvement in the gold trade. Topics include BJCE, criminalized states, gold trafficking, illicit financing, money laundering, and Suriname.

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Central America: The Retreat of the State and the Expansion of Illicit Power Centers

February 1, 2017 - Book Chapter published by Rand Corporation

The chapter IBI contributed to the book Counternetwork: Countering the Expansion of Transnational Criminal Networks discusses the ability of TCNs in Central America to co-opt or influence local and national power structures, and the resulting threat to U.S. security. Topics include Central America, Colombia, criminalized states, drug trafficking, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, illicit financing, Mexico, and money laundering.

Colombia Emerald Production 1980-2015

Emerald Wars: Why Colombia's Conflicts Won't End With the FARC Agreement

December 8, 2016 - Article published by Small Wars Journal

In this report, Douglas Farah examines the illicit Colombian emerald trade in the context of the Colombian peace agreement and FARC demobilization, and the essential security threat it poses. Topics include Colombia, demobilization, FARC, gem trafficking, money laundering, and transnational organized crime.

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Convergence in Criminalized States: A New Paradigm

October 25, 2016 - Book Chapter published by Center for Complex Operations, NDU

"Convergence in Criminalized States: A New Paradigm," a chapter in the new book "Beyond Convergence," just published by the Center for Complex Operations at National Defense University. Topics include ALBA, BJCE, China, criminalized states, FARC, Latin America, money laundering, Russia, and transnational organized crime.

Alba Petroleos income 2007-2014

The FARC’s Overreach in the Peace Process

October 7, 2016 - Article published by Small Wars Journal

The shocking rejection by the Colombian people of the peace agreement between the government and FARC has sparked an outpouring of analysis and recrimination by those who supported the deal. We explore reasons for the rejection of the agreement and its future prospects. Topics include Colombia, demobilization, drug trafficking, FARC, money laundering, and Peace Process.

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The FARC's Political Roadmap: From Insurgency To Criminalized Political Party?

August 23, 2016 - Journal Article published by Small Wars Journal

A paper exploring why the FARC's roadmap to peace will likely follow the Bolivarian path to to totalitarianism.

Blood From Stones by Douglas Farah book cover
Merchant of Death by Douglas Farah and Stephan Braun book cover
Un Virus Entre Sombras” (A Virus in the Shadows) by Pablo Zeballos book cover