March 13, 2025 - Article published by BioBio Chile
En este artículo, Pablo Zeballos informa sobre Catatumbo, una región rica en recursos en Colombia, donde el conflicto entre el ELN y las disidencias de las FARC, junto con la violencia vinculada al narcotráfico y las economías ilícitas, amenaza la estabilidad del Estado. Topics include Chile and transnational organized crime.
February 10, 2025 - Study published by Fundación Taeda
This study by Pablo Zeballos and Douglas Farah helps address the lack of reliable information and fieldwork on Tren de Aragua and clarifies its threats. Topics include gangs, organized crime, prisons, Tren de Aragua, and Venezuela.
February 10, 2025 - Study published by Fundación Taeda
Este estudio de Pablo Zeballos y Douglas Farah ayuda a abordar la falta de información fiable y trabajo de campo sobre Tren de Aragua y a clarificar sus amenazas. Topics include gangs, organized crime, prisons, Tren de Aragua, and Venezuela.
January 9, 2025 - Report published by FIU Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy
In this report, Douglas Farah discusses how a trilateral alliance of Russia, Iran, and their Bolivarian allies converges with China to harm the United States and its allies amidst increasing competition for power in Latin America. Topics include Bolivarian alliance, China, Iran, Latin America, and Russia.
January 9, 2025 - Report published by FIU Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy
En este informe, Douglas Farah analiza cómo una Alianza Trilateral de Rusia, Irán y sus aliados bolivarianos converge con China para perjudicar a los Estados Unidos y sus aliados en un entorno de creciente competencia por el poder en América Latina. Topics include aliados bolivarianos, América Latina, China, Iran, and Rusia.
November 22, 2024 - Report published by ICAIE
Douglas Farah and Pablo Zeballos on the transformational impact of the Chinese-controlled mega container port of Chancay, Peru on global supply lines and the strategic influence, military power and economic interests of the United States. Topics include China, Port of Chancay, shipping, and Strategic Threats.
September 30, 2024 - Research published by FIU Jack D. Gordon Institute for Public Policy
This research paper by Douglas Farah explores how Russian companies have supplied advanced surveillance technology to Latin American nations, aiding repressive regimes and supporting criminal actors that undermine democracy and U.S. security. Topics include influence operations, Russia, and surveillance technology.
August 23, 2024 - Interview published by Diálogo Américas
Douglas Farah highlights Russia's escalating efforts to expand its influence in Latin America, with the aim of weakening democratic institutions, pushing the region toward military totalitarianism, and consolidating a new geopolitical order. Part 2 of 2. Topics include influence operations, Latin America, and Russia.