July 15, 2021 - News published by InSight Crime
Douglas Farah is quoted on Ortega’s ruling alliance's use of the Albanisa group to wield control and reap profits.
June 14, 2021 - Report published by Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at NDU
Strategic implications regarding Iran’s disinformation campaign in Latin America. Covers media networks, the Maduro regime, and a combination of high-level think tanks and grassroots social media engagement. Topics include BJCE, democracy, disinformation, HispanTV, Iran, Maduro, media, rule of law, Russia, and Venezuela.
September 23, 2020 - News published by InSight Crime
InSight Crime covers this IBI report on the long-standing links between José Luis Merino, PDVSA, Alba Petróleos and the Bukele government with transnational criminal structures.
September 15, 2020 - Report published by IBI Consultants
Informe de IBI Consultants sobre los vínculos de larga data entre José Luis Merino, PDVSA, Alba Petróleos y la El gobierno de Bukele con las estructuras criminales transnacionales. Topics include Alba Petróleos, ARENA, Bukele, FMLN, Merino, money laundering, PDVSA, Ramiro, and Venezuela.
September 14, 2020 - Report published by IBI Consultants
Report by IBI Consultants on the long-standing links between José Luis Merino, PDVSA, Alba Petróleos and the Bukele government with transnational criminal structures. Topics include Alba Petróleos, ARENA, Bukele, FMLN, Merino, money laundering, PDVSA, Ramiro, and Venezuela.
September 14, 2020 - News published by El Nuevo Herald (Miami)
The new Salvadoran government of independent Bukele continues to be penetrated by the criminal structure gathered around Alba Petróleos, controlled by former guerrilla commander Merino, who, among other things, made more than $1 billion of Venezuelan subsidies disappear.
August 13, 2020 - Report published by the Atlantic Council
Study of the Maduro regime’s money laundering, illegal extraction of gold and minerals, and relationships with other criminalized structures as a destabilizing force within Latin America. Topics include Europe, FARC, gold, Maduro, minerals, money laundering, oil, PDVSA, Turkey, and Venezuela.
July 13, 2020 - Report published by IBI Consultants & C4ADS
An analysis of maritime shipping activity in Venezuelan waters since the U.S. Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control sanctioned Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. in January 2019. Shipping decreased significantly after sanctions, but dark voyages by only 2%. Topics include China, Cuba, India, Maduro, oil, sanctions, shipping, and Venezuela.