Media & Publications

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Latest @USIP

The Latest @ USIP: How Russia Extends Influence in Latin America

June 7, 2023 - Video published by United States Institute of Peace

Douglas Farah discusses how Russia information operations are deployed in Latin America, the objectives of these operations, and what is most concerning about Moscow’s effort to advance its influence in Latin America. Topics include disinformation, Latin America, and Russia.

House Committee on Homeland Security banner

Transnational Criminal Organizations: The Menacing Threat to the U.S. Homeland

June 7, 2023 - IBI Consultants

Testimony of Douglas Farah before the House Committee on Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement and Intelligence on the issue of Transnational Criminal Organizations and the threat they pose to the Homeland. Topics include Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación, China, drug trafficking, gold trafficking, MS-13, Russia, and transnational organized crime.


Spring ICAIE Policy Brief: Emerging Transnational Organized Crime Threats in Latin America: Converging Criminalized Markets & Illicit Vectors

April 10, 2023 - Policy Brief published by ICAIE

Douglas Farah’s policy brief for the International Coalition Against Illicit Markets (ICAIE), where he is a senior advisor, on emerging transnational criminal threats in Latin America. Topics include criminalized states, gangs, and transnational organized crime.

Gobernadores argentinos

Lítio en el Noreste Argentino: La Republica Popular de China, Gobernadores Feudales y Cero Rendición de Cuentas.

March 29, 2023 - Study published by IBI Consultants

Un estudio examinando como el gobierno de Argentina y sus aliados en provincias feudales han abierto el país para que la República Popular de China tenga acceso irrestricto a sectores estratégicos como el litio, sin transparencia o rendición de cuentas. Topics include Argentina, China, corruption, and lithium.

Argentina's longest-serving governors, called the rulers of "feudal Argentina" in a recent Infobae report. Gerardo Zamora of Santiago del Estero is back left. (Infobae)

The PRC, Feudal Governors and No Accountability: Lithium Mining in Argentina’s Northwest District

March 24, 2023 - Study published by IBI Consultants

This study examines how the government of Argentina has allowed the PRC to take over multiple strategic interests, including the vital lithium trade. Topics include Argentina, China, corruption, and lithium.


The Growing Use of Cryptocurrencies by Transnational Organized Crime Groups in Latin America

March 20, 2023 - Journal Article published by Georgetown Journal of International Affairs

Across Latin America, transnational criminal organizations that move billions of dollars a year in illicit profits are transferring parts of their financial holdings to cryptocurrencies as a way of avoiding detection and asset seizures. Topics include cryptocurrency, El Salvador, Paraguay, and transnational organized crime.

Global Americans Logo

Countering the New Autocrat’s Manual

January 6, 2023 - Report published by Global Americans

Our recommendations for a viable U.S. strategy in Latin America and the Caribbean in response to the infiltration of Transnational Criminal Organizations (TCOs) in governments across the political spectrum and a resulting trend towards authoritarianism in the region. Topics include Latin America and transnational organized crime.

Russian President Vladimir Putin talks with Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega at Augusto C. Sandino Airport in Managua, July 11, 2014

Dangerous Alliances: Russia’s Strategic Inroads in Latin America

December 21, 2022 - Report published by Institute for National Strategic Studies (INSS) at NDU

Our report on Russia's broad pursuit of strategic interests in Latin America aimed at attacking U.S. strategic interests through disinformation, front groups, sale of sophisticated surveillance equipment, and access to the protection of Bolivarian regimes. Topics include disinformation, Nicaragua, Russia, and Strategic Threats.

Blood From Stones by Douglas Farah book cover
Merchant of Death by Douglas Farah and Stephan Braun book cover
Un Virus Entre Sombras” (A Virus in the Shadows) by Pablo Zeballos book cover