Supporting government and private entities in understanding, anticipating and responding to strategic threats from transnational criminal and terrorist networks in the Western Hemisphere.
IBI Consultants has decades of experience conducting investigations, training, and research in Central and South America. Using a cutting-edge research paradigm that merges granular field research with advanced open source data mining and link analysis technology, IBI can successfully identify and map transnational criminal networks and potential terrorist threats.
March 13, 2025 - Article published by BioBio Chile
En este artículo, Pablo Zeballos informa sobre Catatumbo, una región rica en recursos en Colombia, donde el conflicto entre el ELN y las disidencias de las FARC, junto con la violencia vinculada al narcotráfico y las economías ilícitas, amenaza la estabilidad del Estado. Topics include Chile and transnational organized crime.
February 10, 2025 - Study published by Fundación Taeda
Este estudio de Pablo Zeballos y Douglas Farah ayuda a abordar la falta de información fiable y trabajo de campo sobre Tren de Aragua y a clarificar sus amenazas. Topics include gangs, organized crime, prisons, Tren de Aragua, and Venezuela.
February 10, 2025 - Study published by Fundación Taeda
This study by Pablo Zeballos and Douglas Farah helps address the lack of reliable information and fieldwork on Tren de Aragua and clarifies its threats. Topics include gangs, organized crime, prisons, Tren de Aragua, and Venezuela.
Support of USG inter-agency partners in mapping corruption structures tied to transnational organized crime in the Northern Triangle as part of the Biden Administration’s Central America anti-corruption policy.
IBI field research uncovered illicit gold flows from the Maduro regime and other criminal actors from northern South America to the Arabian Peninsula, leading to USG enforcement action shutting down a fictitious gold export business moving tons of gold per year.
IBI identified Banco Corporativo and associated entities in Nicaragua as a primary money laundering hub for the Ortega and the Maduro regimes and mapped its transnational operations. The investigation was crucial to the Treasury Department and the State Department initiating investigations that led to formally sanctioning the bank and the bank closing.